
With Touax modular constructions, your infrastructure can evolve and adapt to the development of your worksite. We delivery our locker room and restroom solutions ready-to-use, fully equipped with cold and warm water pipes, waste water pipes, and all the necessary equipment: showers, toilet blocks, washstands, gas, electric or solar water heaters.
Enjoy pleasant and customized units displaying your building’s design, and complying to norms and standards.

Please contact our agencies or our sales teams who will be happy to answer all your questions.

  • Vestiaires et sanitaires 1
  • Vestiaires et sanitaires 2
  • Vestiaires et sanitaires 3
  • Vestiaires et sanitaires 4

You can count on Touax to find the right solutions to your challenges.

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Flexible solutions

Specifically designed for the Healthcare sector:

Our advisors will help you choose the right amenities, organize space efficiently and secure your environment the best way.
Touax offers a range of modular buildings adapted to the needs of clinics, laboratories, hospitals and other healthcare facilities, as well as to the peripheral equipment: waiting rooms, storage units, offices and work spaces for all your staff.
Please contact our agencies or our sales teams who will be happy to answer all your questions.
For all your immediate or future projects, please contact us or request a quote by filling out one of the forms below.

Do you have a project in mind ?

+212 529 04 83 00

+212 523 32 31 03


z.i. Labzoa, 20810

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Touax - N°1 de la construction modulaire industrialisée